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Historic Brothels of Paris

Historic Brothels of Paris

Come discover the LGBTQ+ side of the Harlem Renaissance, from Langston Hughes to Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday to James Baldwin!

Cost: $12. Please note that this fee helps keep our small business going during the crisis so we can get up and running right away when it is safe to bring people together again in person.


  1. Buy a ticket to attend the LIVE online event

  2. Buy a ticket to watch the RECORDED event when it is convenient for you:

Can't make the live event? Buy a ticket for the recording and watch the event in your own time! Details in FAQs below.

Today, Paris is known as the city of love, but that sentimental vision of Paris is strictly post-World War II. Before that, Paris was the big, exciting city--and of course, the city of *sex*! It was the city of girly shows, of famous, glamorous beauties (respectable and not)--and of brothels. Paris' "maisons closes"--"closed houses" as opposed to street-walking--were one of its great attractions. There were 177 legal ones in the city when they were closed down by the government in 1946. There were tawdry ones, like the one where Toulouse-Lautrec lived and painted. Gay (and kinky!) ones, like the ones Proust visited and describes in his masterpiece, The Remembrance of Things Past. And there were super-elegant ones, with antique furniture and a high-end clientele, including the Prince of Wales.

Come visit the glamorous brothels of Belle Époque Paris, where VIPs, Champagne —and fantasies—were found. Follow Andrew & Edith into this other world, and they will tell you all the sexy secrets of the brothels of Paris!


Speaker Info

Parisian native Edith de Belleville was an attorney at law for many years, but her passion for Paris and its history led her back to university (at the age of 50) to get her official tour guide license. Deeply inspired by Parisian women of the past, Edith decided to write a book, in French, entitled The Beautiful Rebels of Paris (Belles et Rebelles, Editions du 81 ). Edith also teaches Jewish heritage in Paris at University Gustave Eiffel (Marne- la- Vallée), and has just finished writing a book in English which will be published soon, Tea with Coco Chanel, adventures of a modern- day Parisienne.

Prof. Andrew Lear is a renowned expert on same-sex relations in Greek and Roman antiquity. During his academic career, he taught at Harvard, Pomona College, and NYU. In recent years, he has founded Oscar Wilde Tours, the LGBTQ history and culture tour company and Shady Ladies Tours, a women's history and culture tour company. He is also working with actor/author Stephen Fry on a podcast about the "Scandals and Secrets of London's National Portrait Gallery."


When will the Zoom invite come?

The Zoom invite will be sent to your email address at 48hrs, 2hrs, and 10mins before the event. PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM AND SOCIAL FOLDERS IF YOU DO NOT SEE THE ZOOM INVITE IN YOUR INBOX.

What time zone is the event scheduled in?

The event is scheduled for 2pm EST (i.e. New York time). You can watch it in any time zone but please adjust to the time zone you are in.

Will the event be recorded and available to view later?

Yes the event will be recorded and you can buy a ticket for the recording above. If you buy a ticket for the recording you will be emailed automatically after the event with a link to the recording, available to view for 1 week after receiving the link. If you bought a ticket for the live event but couldn't make it please email us and we will send you the link to the recording.